Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A quick report from our first day...

...and our plans for tomorrow!

We met this morning at 9:30 at the Austin AMP space at 411 W. Monroe St. After introductions, the kids acquainted themselves with the space. Bernadette then started us off with some prompted writing on self and self-image interspersed with conversation—a long get-acquainted session, if you will. We broke for lunch and then braved the drizzle and walked through the neighborhood and down to one branch of Bouldin Creek, collecting seeds and identifying plants as we went. On the route home we discussed architecture and the controversy over house-size in central Austin. When we returned, we focused on a group drawing on the theme of the drought while we discussed water use, its importance to our daily routines and thoughts about water conservation. We broke up around 3:00.

We ended the day buzzing with anticipation, a little winded and damp with sweat and rain. Felix's shirt was filthy. Signs of victory, all. "This is so much better than regular school," was repeated throughout the day by kids and adults alike.

Tomorrow we will convene at 9:30 at Butler Park for some birding and a half-round of golf for those interested. We will break at 11:30 and relocate to Martine & FĂ©lix's home for lunch, some free time and an introduction to the kitchen for Monday's Family Lunch & Planning Meeting. We will go to the AMP at around 1:00 for Algebra, group drawing /discussion on what we eat, and the menu and task-distribution plan for Monday's lunch.

Smart in our time!